Image source: Lartet, Édouard, and Henry Christy. Reliquiæ Aquitanicæ. London: Williams & Norgate, 1875, pl. B. 28.

Blade and Bone

The Discovery of Human Antiquity


Encounter between early humans and cave bears. Image source: Flammarion, Camille. Le monde avant la création de l'homme. Paris, 1886, pl. 5. 

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Avebury, Lord. Prehistoric Times. New York, 1913. See item 43.

Boucher de Perthes, Jacques. Antiquités celtiques et antédiluviennesParis, 1847-1864. See item 5.

Boule, Marcelin. “L’Homme fossile de La Chapelle-aux-Saints.” Annales de Paleontologie, 1911, 6:111-172. See item 34.

Buckland, William. Reliquiae diluvianaeLondon, 1823. See item 3.

Dart, Raymond. “Australopithecus africanus: The Man-Ape of South Africa.” Nature, 1925, 115:195-199. See item 51

Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man: And Selection in Relation to Sex. London, 1871. See item 18.

Dawson, Charles; Woodward, Arthur Smith. “On the Discovery of a Palaeolithic Human Skull and Mandible … at Piltdown, Fletching (Sussex).” Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 1913, 69:117-151See item 45.

Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Explorations & Adventures in Equatorial Africa. London, 1861. See item 15.

Du Cleuziou, Henri. La creation de l'homme et les premiers ages de humanite. Paris, 1887. See item 29.

Dubois, Eugene. Pithecanthropus ErectusJakarta, 1894. See item 31.

Figuier, Louis. La terre avant le deluge. 5th ed. Paris, 1866. See item 21.

Figuier, Louis. La terre avant le deluge. Paris, 1863. See item 20.

Figuier, Louis. L'homme primitif. Paris, 1870. See item 26.

Figuier, Louis. Primitive Man. London, 1870. See item 27.

Flammarion, Camille. Le monde avant la création de l'homme. Paris, 1886. See item 28. 

Flower, John Wickham. “On a Flint Implement Recently Discovered … St. Acheul, near Amiens.” Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 1860, 16:190-192. See item 11.

Fraipont, Julien; Max Lohest. " La race humaine de Neanderthal ou de Canstadt en Belgique." Archives de Biologie, 1887, 7:587-757. See item 30.

Frere, John. "Account of Flint Weapons Discovered at Hoxne in Suffolk." Archaeologia, 1800, 13:204-5See item 2

Fuhlrott, Carl. “Menschliche Ueberreste au seiner Felsengrotten des Düssekthals.” Verhandlungen der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens1859, 16:131-153. See item 7.

Gregory, William King. “The Dawn Man of Piltdown, England." American Museum Journal, 1914, 14:188-200. See item 46.

Haeckel, ErnstNatürliche Schopfungsgeschichte. Berlin, 1898. See item 38.

Haeckel, Ernst. Anthropogenie oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen. Leipzig, 1874. See item 19.

Harper’s Weekly, July 10. 1873. See item 25.

Hutchinson, Henry N. Prehistoric Man and Beast. London, 1896. See item 37.

Huxley, Thomas Henry. Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature. London, 1863. See item 17.

Illustrated London News, Aug. 10, 1912: 223-226. See item 41.

Keith, Arthur. Ancient Types of Man. London, 1911. See item 33.

Keith, Arthur. The Antiquity of Man. Philadelphia and London, 1915. See item 47.

Knipe, Henry. Evolution in the Past. London, 1912. See item 40.

Lartet, Ed. "Nouvelle recherches sur la coexistence de l'homme et des grands mammiferes fossils..." Annales des sciences naturelles, 4th ser, Zoologie et Paleontologie, 1861, 15:177-253See item 12.

Lartet, Edouard; Christy, Henry. Reliquiae Aquitanicae. London, 1875. See item 23.

Lartet, Louis. “Memoire sur une sepultre des anciens troglodytes de Perigord." Annales des sciences naturelles, 5th ser, Zoologie et Paleontologie, 1868, 10:133-160. See item 24.

Lubbock, John. "On the Evidence of the Antiquity of Man, Afforded by the Physical Structure of the Somme Valley.” Natural History Review, 1862, 2:244-269. See item 10.

Lubbock, John. Pre-Historic Times. London, 1865. See item 22.

Lyell, Charles. The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man. London, 1863. See item 13.

MacCurdy, George Grant. “Recent Discoveries Bearing on the Antiquity of Man in Europe.” Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1909, pp. 531-583. See item 35.

MacEnery, John. Cavern ResearchesLondon, 1859. See item 6.

Osborn, Henry Fairfield. “Men of the Old Stone Age.” American Museum Journal, 1912, 12:279-288. See item 42.

Osborn, Henry Fairfield. Men of the Old Stone Age. New York, 1915. See item 44.

Owen, Richard. “Contribution to the Natural History of the Anthropoid Apes. No. VIII. On the External Characters of the Gorilla (Troglodytes Gorilla, Sav.).” Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 1866, 5: 243-284. See item 16.

Prestwich Joseph. “Report on the Exploration of Brixham Cave.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London1873, 163:471-572. See item 8.

Prestwich, Joseph. “On the Occurrence of Flint Implements.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1860, 150:277-317. See item 9.

Rutot, Aimé. Un essai de reconstitution plastique des races humaines primitives. Brussels, 1919. See item 48.

Savage, Thomas S. "Notice of the eternal characters and habits of Troglodytes gorilla,” and Wyman, Jeffries, “Osteology of the same,” Boston Journal of Natural History, 1847, 5:417-443. See item 14.

Schaafhausen, Hermann. "Zur Kenntniss der altesten Rassenschädel.” Archiv fur Anatomie1858, 25:453-478. See item 7.

Schmerling, Philippe-Charles. Recherches sur les ossemens fossils. Liège, 1833-4. See item 4.

Sollas, William J. Ancient Hunters and their Modern Representatives. London, 1911. See item 36

Unger, Franz. Ideal Views of the Primitive World. London, [1859]. See item 1.

Villeneuve, L. et al. Les Grottes de Grimaldi (Baoussé-Roussé). Monaco, 1906-19. See item 32.

Wells, Herbert George. A Short History of the World. New York, 1922. See item 50.

Wilser, Ludwig. Leben und Heimat des Urmenschen. Leipzig, 1910. See item 39.

Woodward, Arthur Smith. “A New Cave Man from Rhodesia, South Africa.” Nature, 1922, 108:371-372. See item 49.

Woodward, Arthur Smith; Dawson, Charles. “On the Discovery of a Palaeolithic Human Skull and Mandible … at Piltdown, Fletching (Sussex).” Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 1913, 69:117-151See item 45.